Why Hungarian Goose Down is the Best?
Down bedding provides the ultimate sleep experience. Simultaneously insulating and trapping in warmth while being lightweight and breathable, down bedding provides an incredible sleep experience unrivaled by other bedding fill products.
Not all down is created equal, though. When it comes to bedding filling, goose down is considered the best fill product on the market. And, more specifically, Hungarian goose down provides an even more luxurious choice thanks to its exceptional thermal qualities and softness.
The Best Down Available
100% Hungarian goose down is considered the best down filling on the market. Super soft and super fine Hungarian goose down is a high-quality and comfortable bedding filling that provides ultimate heat insulation and lightweight comfort. Hungary is the world’s main source of high-quality goose down, and it is hands-down the most luxuriously soft and warm option for blissful sleep experiences.
The special qualities of Hungarian goose down come from the breeding heritage of Hungarian geese and the country’s climate. Hungary is well-known for long, cold winters. Hungarian geese have adapted over the past 1,000-plus years to survive in the harshest weather conditions, meaning their feathers provide them with the insulation they need to survive. Thus, their down is highly desirable for its thermal qualities. Hungarian goose down has long been considered the most luxurious comforter and pillow filling in the world because of this, rewarding sleepers with a comfortable and restful nights’ sleep.
A Wise Choice
When choosing your next Hungarian goose down bedding, you will have a lot of options when it comes to your comforter and pillow size, fill power, and outer fabrics. Just like other types of down, you can find a variety of fill powers for your Hungarian goose down product, so you can choose a comforter that meets your needs in terms of desired warmth level, and a pillow that matches your desired level of firmness and support.
As you are shopping for a quality Hungarian goose down bedding, it’s important to keep in mind that not all Hungarian Goose down comforters, duvets and pillows advertised as 100% Hungarian goose down products are the real thing. The only way to get real Hungarian goose down is to buy from a company who sources their down directly from Hungarian goose down suppliers. There are a lot of distributors who sell products on the market advertised as 100% Hungarian goose down, but this is oftentimes false advertising.

The Definitive Source for Hungarian Goose Down
You can trust Hamvay–Láng to deliver you 100% real Hungarian goose down bedding. We live, work, and manufacture our pillows and duvets in Budapest, Hungary. We work directly with the best Hungarian goose down suppliers in the country to assure the highest-quality Hungarian goose down goes into every one of our products. The result is a high-quality, handcrafted bedding product you and your family will cherish for years to come.
Experience a 100% real Hungarian goose down comfort today with a new comforter and pillow and experience a luxuriously blissful sleep experience.